Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur

701 East Columbia Avenue
Cincinnati, OH 45215

AmeriCorps Mission Volunteers (NDMV) -- Corryville Catholic Elementary School

Notre Dame AmeriCorps volunteers work at several sites within Cincinnati, most within the urban core. This grant supported two of these volunteers, each of whom worked with approximately 25 students at Corryville Catholic Elementary School. Dater funding would represented roughly 35 percent of the total cost, with the AmeriCorps program covering the remaining balance. Corryville Catholic, due in large part to the AmeriCorps project and a Choices for Children mentoring project, is able to graduate one hundred percent of its students, almost all of whom go on to private high schools. This success occurs in a community where crime and substance abuse are common, where 60 percent of students are from single-parent households, 95 percent qualify for the Federal school lunch program, and 84 percent participate in the Ed-choice program (family income no more than 200 percent of the federal poverty level).

Amount: $20,000
Date: September 2020

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