Adopt A Class Foundation

4030 Smith Road, Suite 200
Cincinnati, OH 45209

Leveraging community and civic partnerships to mentor students in career and life skills

Adopt A Class Foundation aims to recruit, train and support 100 civic partner teams serving as mentors to students attending schools in Greater Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky with the highest concentrations of poverty. AAC has expanded programming in the last eight months from reaching 5,000 students to over 7,500 students now being mentored by more than 3,000 corporate, community and civic organization mentors in the program. This growth in unprecedented in the history of the organization and we are poised to see the same growth in the upcoming school year. The funding will guarantee high level programming and support for community and civic teams in the program.

In addition, mini-grants will be made available to teams to help cover portion of the expense of a field trip. Field trips to places of employment are valuable opportunities to expose students to new career paths and a window into their future.

Program Goals:

Adopt A Class Foundation will train and support 100 civic teams serving as mentors to students attending schools in Greater Cincinnati in underserved communities.
15 mini-Grants will be dispersed to support civic partner teams in field trip expenses for students to visit the mentor team's place of employment to further explore careers in action.

Program Results:

Adopt A Class Foundation trained and supported 122 civic teams serving as mentors to students attending schools in Greater Cincinnati in underserved communities during the 2023-24 academic year exceeding the goal by more than 20%. The growth of the civic teams continues as we look toward the 2024-25 academic year.

15 mini-Grants were dispersed to support civic partner teams in field trip expenses for students to visit the mentor team's place of employment to further explore careers in action. The funds supported approximately 600 students to be able to attend workplace field trips during the 2023-24 academic year.

Amount: $40,000
Date: March 2023

Privacy Statement

700 Walnut Street, Suite 301 Cincinnati, Ohio 45202
Telephone: 513-241-2658   Fax: 513-241-2731