American Diabetes Association
P.O. Box 7023
Merrifield, VA 22116
Camp Korelitz
The Association’s Summer Camps have become one of the most powerful and life-changing avenues to improve the lives of children affected by diabetes. In Ohio, we have the ADA Camp Korlitz that serves the tri-state area. Nearly 20,000 youth are diagnosed with type 1 diabetes each year, which is a chronic condition in which the pancreas produces little or no insulin. At this time there is no cure or prevention for type 1 diabetes but it’s ADA’s mission to someday find a cure. Children with type 1 diabetes walk a fine line to keep their blood sugar levels not too low and not too high. Every day is a balance between overwhelming challenges of managing a disease that is demanding and scary while trying to just be a kid. For the parents/caregivers of these youth, it is concern for their child's safety, sleepless nights to ongoing monitoring, carbohydrate counting, and blood glucose checks, diabetes is a 24/7 endeavor and does not stop. Unlike many health conditions, 95% of diabetes care is self-management. Children diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, sometimes as young as 1 year old, must learn to monitor their blood glucose levels, count carbohydrates, and inject insulin several times a day. Studies indicate that proper management of diabetes can decrease the chance of developing complications of diabetes.
Program Goals:
• To help campers explore issues of independence and self-discipline.
• To allow campers to learn that diabetes does not have to limit their activities.
• To offer campers the opportunity to learn new skills and experience new activities, make friends and enhance their self-esteem.
• To help campers learn more about proper diabetes management, including blood glucose monitoring, nutrition and exercise.
• To provide a respite for the parents and/or caregivers of the child with diabetes.
• To educate health professionals and students about diabetes and its day-to-day management.
Program Results:
Diabetes Management Skills
After camp, 100% of campers were able to perform at least one diabetes management skill independently:
• Rotate injection sites: 90%
• Draw up insulin without assistance: 70%
• Recognize own low blood glucose levels: 80%
• Understand insulin to carb ratios: 80%
• Gave own injections: 70%
• Check for ketones: 90%
Problem-Solving Skills:
90% of campers were always or often able to solve diabetes management problems after attending camp.
Confidence Living with Diabetes
80% of parents and caregivers stated that their campers’ overall self-confidence was “above average” or “very high” by the end of camp.
Family Teamwork
50% of parents and caregivers stated that their familial teamwork improved or significantly improved after their child attended camp
Website: Amount: $20,000
Date: February 2023