Assistance League ofd Greater Cincinnati

1057 Meta Drive, Suite A
Cincinnati, OH 45237

Operation School Bell

Operation School Bell®, a signature program, began in 1998 and has experienced continuous growth. We currently have agreements with 50 elementary and parochial schools in the Greater Cincinnati area to which we provide new clothing and hygiene supplies for students in grades K to 6 who are eligible for free or reduced lunch. We also provide hygiene items to one school that serves students in grades 7 through 12. Each partner school files a request and then receives pants, shirts, underwear, socks, fleece jackets, and belts which are distributed to both boys and girls. The schools also receive toothpaste and toothbrushes, boys’ deodorant, girls’ deodorant, and packages of feminine pads which are distributed to those children in need. We have served over 74,930 students since the program's inception.

Program Goals:

Assistance League of Greater Cincinnati measures outcome and output goals. Outcome goals target the impact of our program on those we serve and inform how we can best support our partner schools and families receiving the clothing and hygiene items that are distributed. Output goals target the efficacy with which we deliver our program in order to maintain an efficient and reliable program.

The program outcome goal is: to meet the school uniform clothing and hygiene needs of students attending partner schools in the Greater Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky areas living in households with limited financial resources. The outcomes for this goal are to:
• provide useful clothing and hygiene items and thereby relieve family financial burdens
• support students’ needs through the distribution of clothing and hygiene items
• impact students’ feelings of self-esteem, confidence, feelings of well-being and support upon receipt of clothing and hygiene items
• maintain a collaborative relationship with school personnel regarding the usefulness of the distributed items
• maintain an efficient distribution process
• be responsive to the changing needs of student recipients and their families as identified by our
school partners.

The program output goal is: to maintain an efficient distribution process with our partner schools. This goal is achieved through the following outcomes:
• identification and connection with schools to be served; collaboration with schools to determine the items needed
• organization and maintenance of the purchasing process
• organization, implementation and maintenance of the distribution and/or pickup process
• identification of children in kindergarten through grade 6 by school personnel to whom clothing and hygiene items are distributed;
identification of children grades 7 to 12 to whom hygiene items will be distributed
• continuation of distribution throughout the school year as needed and requested by schools
• adjustment of items distributed to meet school needs
• organization and documentation of work flow from purchasing to distribution
• and documentation and inventorying of items distributed to each organization.

Program Results:

Assistance League of Greater Cincinnati provides clothing and hygiene items to students grades K-6 who qualify for free and reduced lunch. One measure of meeting our goals and objectives relates to the number of children we served during the 2023-2024 academic year. Feedback from Resource Coordinators and school personnel have provided numbers through March 31, 2024. The number of students who received clothing was 9,674 and 5,110 received hygiene items.

Our program was evaluated through an online survey that was distributed to our partner schools to measure program outcomes and outputs. Thirty-nine of the 47 partner schools responded by April of 2024. Both quantitative and qualitative responses were collected through partner surveys.
The program outcome goal is: to meet the school uniform clothing and hygiene needs of elementary students attending partner schools in the Greater Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky areas living in households with limited financial resources.

Amount: $75,000
Date: September 2022

Privacy Statement

700 Walnut Street, Suite 301 Cincinnati, Ohio 45202
Telephone: 513-241-2658   Fax: 513-241-2731