Cincinnati Playhouse in the Park

962 Mt. Adams Circle
Cincinnati, OH 45202

Playhouse School Outreach Tours

he Playhouse will produce fully-staged adaptations of THE LITTLE PRINCE, STELLALUNA, and NATE THE GREAT, THE MUSICAL for schools throughout the Tristate region in our 2022-23 season.

The plays, all adapted from cherished works of literature, will bring professional-quality and age-appropriate theatrical productions to underserved schools across our region. All plays are performed by professional actors and feature full sets, costumes, sound effects, and music. To maximize impact, all schools are offered a post-show interaction with the actors as well as comprehensive teacher resource guides.

The School Outreach Tours will provide more than 100 performances to at least 60 schools throughout Greater Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky with some schools receiving multiple performances. We anticipate reaching over 20,000 K-8 grade children and teachers, most of whom will be from schools with little or no access to the arts. We expect that 50% or more of students will be of diverse backgrounds.

Program Goals:

The Playhouse School Outreach Tour program will achieve the following objectives:
• The School Outreach Tours will provide more than 100 performances to at least 60 schools throughout Greater Cincinnati, with some schools receiving multiple performances.
• Approximately 20,000 students and teachers will experience quality children’s theatre performances through the School Outreach Tour program.
• At least 65% of schools will have student populations with 70% or more eligible for the free or reduced-price lunch program.
• At least 50% of students reached will come from racially/ethnically diverse backgrounds.
• 100% of participating teachers will receive useful supplemental education materials and activities to help them make connections between core curriculum studies and the theatre experience.
• 90% or more of teachers will rate the quality of the production as “Good” or “Excellent,” and 70% will rate the relevance of the production to their school’s curriculum as “Good” or “Excellent.”
• 100% of students will be offered a post-performance behind-the-scenes demonstration with the actors, with opportunities for the students to ask questions after live shows.

Program Results:

The Playhouse School Outreach Tour program achieved the following objectives:

• The School Outreach Tour performed for 58 schools throughout Greater Cincinnati, with a total of 70 performances.
• The program served 16,217 students and 1,260 teachers with quality children’s theatre.
• 74% of schools had student populations with 70% or more eligible for the free or reduced-price lunch program.
• 50% of students reached came from racially/ethnically diverse backgrounds.
• 100% of participating teachers received useful supplemental education materials and activities for core curriculum connections and educational advancement.
• 100% of students were offered a post-performance question-and-answer session with the actors.

When asked what they learned, students responded:
“I learned that no matter how much you and a loved one fight, don't leave them—you will miss them.”
“I learned how to be a friend.”
“I learned how to listen to other people’s stories.”

Amount: $50,000
Date: September 2022

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700 Walnut Street, Suite 301 Cincinnati, Ohio 45202
Telephone: 513-241-2658   Fax: 513-241-2731