Inner City Youth Opportunities
1821 Summit Road, Suite 210
Cincinnati, OH 45237
Year-Round Academic Intervention
The Academic Intervention program offers fully subsidized after-school and summer opportunities for continued skill-building and enrichment for students attending Cincinnati Public Schools in grades K-12. Activities include tutoring, small group and one on one reading and math practice, writing, educational software, focus on literacy, and STEM projects. All programs include transportation, meals/snacks, and all materials and supplies to ensure a successful experience. Students meet Mondays - Thursdays at the ICYO Learning Center in Roselawn from 5p - 7pm. ICYO staff and volunteers utilize the following tools and curriculum:Emphasis on Early Childhood Literacy1. Individual Student Rebecca Sitton Language Arts Workbooks Books from Educators Publishing Services(EPS)2. Scholastic Grade level reading books, I Can Read Books, Scholastic grade level Newsletters3. Phonics reading book series from EPS4. Writing workbooks from EPS, composition books for daily journaling.5. Workbooks from Phonics – Grade K7. Math - grade1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 68. Algebra grades 6 -89. Individual Monthly Steve Spangler Science Kits10. From the Search Institute: "Building Character from the Start" 201 Activities to foster creativity,literacy and play in K - 311. Virtual Crock Pot Cooking Classes and each family will receive a family size Crock Pot12. Financial Literacy Education, Curriculum and training provided by the Alpaugh Family EconomicsCenter at The University of Cincinnati13. Other volunteer inspired learning activities
Program Goals:
- All children passing to the next grade
- All children meeting grade-level benchmarks in key indicators like reading fluency, reading comprehension and math
- All children follow the rules of the program, demonstrating positive, respectful behavior to volunteers, staff and their peers
- Graduation for 12th grade participants
- Regular school attendance
- Regular attendance in ICYO programs
- Students who age up volunteer and work with the smaller children in the program
- Increase in self-confidence
- Increased interest in hobbies, sports, groups and other extra activities.
Program Results:
- 12 students achieved the AB honor roll by the end of the school year!
- 18 students maintained mostly C's
- 3 students had at least one D or failing subject, 2 of these students are currently enrolled in summer school to get the credit or EOG score to be promoted to the next grade level.
- ICYO had one senior this school year who graduated from Taft High School and will continue her education in hopes of becoming a pharmacist.
- One family who has 4 children in the program had all 4 students achieve honor roll and were invited to the academic celebration at the Cincinnati Zoo
- One of the students with all "C"s on her report card received an improvement award for I-Ready Math Growth and a character award for being respectful of others
- One of our 2nd grade teachers reported, "It has been exciting and my honor to get to know Aria this year. She has grown in so many ways. She is well loved and is a valuable member of her 2nd grade community."
- Behavior for all students improved as the school year progressed. Any behavioral issues were addressed
immediately by ICYO staff who notified parents and guardians. These instances significantly decreased by the
end of the school year with no suspensions in the last several months.
Attendance was consistent - unless a family moved out of the area, students had regular attendance. This is
largely due to the offering of fully subsidized transportation to and from the program.
Field trips were fully attended and enjoyed by all children
Website: Amount: $20,000
Date: September 2022