Ronald McDonald House Charities

341 Erkenbrecher Avenue
Cincinnati, OH 45229

Family Performance and Activities Series

The Family Performance and Activity Series was developed to give our guest families a reprieve from the overwhelming stress they face dealing with a seriously ill child, knowing that families need a physical and mental break from the time they must spend at the hospital. This program provides a much-needed lift to our guest families. Activities range from puppeteers and musicians to game and movie nights. We have also added mental and emotional wellness components such as yoga and art therapy to the program. Such activities and performances help alleviate stress, giving families the opportunity to spend quality time together not focusing on health issues, and stimulate positive, hopeful feelings. We are now able to offer activities on a regular basis in spite of limitations due to COVID-19. The performers, artists and activity leaders are paid as well as volunteers.

Amount: $15,000
Date: September 2022

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700 Walnut Street, Suite 301 Cincinnati, Ohio 45202
Telephone: 513-241-2658   Fax: 513-241-2731