Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra
1241 Elm Street
Cincinnati, OH 45202
CSO 2022-23 Education Programs
The Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra's 2022-23 education programs will support local music educators and provide young Cincinnatians with quality music education opportunities. This has been a priority for the CSO for more than 100 years. The following 2022-23 programs cover an array of learning styles in pursuit of this goal. The following programs engage students through one-on-one music instruction, classroom lessons, iterative learning, extracurricular music ensemble participation, and field trips.2022-23 education programs include:• Sound Discoveries• Musicians in Schools• Young People’s Concerts• Cincinnati Symphony Youth Orchestras (CSYOs)• Nouveau Program• CSO/CCM Diversity Fellowship
Program Goals:
1. Reach a minimum of 25,000 students through CSO education programs.
2. Promote the development of 21st century skills in children through music-based instruction.
3. Eliminate cost as a barrier to music participation.
Program Results:
2022-23 education program results - 13,989 – 56%
• Sound Discoveries – 1,352
• Musicians in Schools – 1,928
• Young People’s Concerts – 3,761
• Cincinnati Symphony Youth Orchestras (CSYOs) – 372
• Nouveau Program – 6,573
• CSO/CCM Diversity Fellowship – 3
Our Sound Discovery program included 38 students and 1,314 digital views of online content. Through our Musicians in Schools program, we reached 1,928 students. Our Young People’s Concerts had 3,761 in ticket sales. Our Cincinnati Symphony Youth Orchestras welcomed 372 audience members. With 30 participants, our Nouveau program impacted 6,573 individuals. Last, our Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra/Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music collaboration included 3 diversity fellows. These programs combined show a combined success rate of 13,989 individuals.
Promote the development of 21st century skills in children through music-based instruction (Goal 2) and Eliminate cost as a barrier to music participation (Goal 3).
We promoted music-based instruction and eliminated cost as a barrier to music participation. Free access to virtual programming has helped the CSO substantially reduce or eliminate cost as a barrier to music participation. Moreover, seeing live musicians via our Musicians in Schools program and our Young People’s Concerts inspires children to consider roles in the arts and provides them with a first-hand experience that may lead to their valuing orchestral works. Some of these young people attend Title 1 schools (at least 40% or more students were classified as low income). CSO’s Young People’s Concerts (YPCs) are special concerts during the academic year geared toward elementary and middle school students.
Website: Amount: $50,000
Date: October 2022