Bethany House Services
1841 Fairmount Avenue
Cincinnati, OH 45214
Family Services: Stabbilizing and Enriching Interventions for Children Experiencing Homelessness
Bethany House’s (BHS) Family Services Department (FSD) manages a child and family stabilization program that is structured to provide children experiencing homelessness with the immediate services they need, trauma-informed care, and opportunities to stimulate personal growth. The program also includes therapeutic recreation sessions to improve each child’s mental health and social and emotional well-being. These sessions offer children a unique environment to learn healthy behaviors, build trusting relationships, and practice new ways to communicate emotions. Beginning in December 2022, BHS is introducing a Kaleidoscope Play & Learn program to families in shelter with a plan to expand it to families in BHS Housing programs in 2023 as well. December 5th marked the official date that Bethany House reached full capacity in the new building with 41 families (93 children), 2 of which used adjoining rooms for a large family and thereby utilizing all 43 rooms. This projects anticipates serving approximately 700 children in 2023.
Program Goals:
This project accomplished its original goals and objectives, as listed in the FY22 grant submission. The Family Services Department (FSD) manages the programs that support the 100+ children in shelter daily. FSD operates several age-specific and needs-based programs for children dealing with a series of social, emotional, and physical traumas. At its core, BHS’ children’s programs are designed to connect children experiencing homelessness with the immediate services they need and then to support their personal and academic development through trauma-informed care. Bethany House’s Family Services Department manages these programs with the support of educational specialists from CPS, behavioral and pediatric practitioners, and volunteers with educational/public health experience. Meanwhile, an education coordinator meets with case managers on a weekly basis to discuss individual clients and/or families, group dynamics, successes, challenges, and external factors that may be contributing to lack of progress in the program.
Program Results:
In 2023, the Family Services Program accomplished the original goals and objectives of the program, which include several metrics such as improving peer-to-peer relationships, improved academic performance, and developing post-graduation interests. During 2023, BHS’ Family Services Program accomplished the service numbers listed below.
2023 Outcomes:
140 therapeutic groups held in Kidz Zone
145 children ages 0-4 were screened for developmental delays; 55 were identified as needing follow-up intervention
115 school children identified with cognitive/learning disability; 72 school children identified with mental health diagnosis
200 life skills groups were held, with 1,623 total participants
391 referrals to on-site health partners, Cincinnati Health Network and Kaleidoscope
733 referrals to community partners such as Hamilton County Job and Family Services, 4C for Children, Cradle Cincinnati, Sweet Cheeks Diaper Bank, Talbert House, and other off-site partners
74 children and 53 caregivers participated in Kaleidoscope programming to help parents bond with their young children and prepare them for school
78% of children participating in Kaleidoscope demonstrated age-appropriate development at time of post-assessment
86% of families participating in Kaleidoscope reported increased capacity in supporting children’s development and early literacy
85% of parents build social networks by participating in Kaleidoscope programming, and report making connections with new families and local resources
Website: Amount: $50,000
Date: January 2023