Magnified Giving

9940 Reading Road
Evendale, OH 45241

Youth Philanthropy Program

Magnified Giving now consists of nearly 125 individual programs, including 24 alternative youth-serving organizations ex: Down Syndrome Association, as well as three juvenile correctional centers - one in Hamilton County and one in Warren County.

Within each school, and youth-serving organization, we support teachers and facilitators who implement the Magnified Giving program as part of their curriculum in a class or within a service or philanthropy club. The goal of each class or club is to teach students how to give their time, talent and treasure through education, service, and the process of determining the recipient of a $1,000 grant.

Our ongoing program has impacted over 30,000 students since we began our first year of programming in 2008.

Program Goals:

Our original goals were to grant over $180,000 dollars to the local community through the hands of students and youth. To educate and inspire around 4,000 youth in 120 schools and youth-based organizations through our Magnified Giving philanthropy education curriculum and service learning lessons. To teach and prepare the next generation for a life of service and understanding of the needs in their community.

Program Results:

Over $180,000 has been granted to 158 nonprofit organization in our local communities and the understanding of the needs of people was met. The service learning aspect - young people understanding the value of their time, talent, and treasure was magnified and the capacity for empathy was increased greatly. Over 4,000 youth participated in the program this year and thanks to their dedication to the Magnified Giving program and their individual projects, the impact in our community was magnified.

Amount: $25,000
Date: January 2023

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700 Walnut Street, Suite 301 Cincinnati, Ohio 45202
Telephone: 513-241-2658   Fax: 513-241-2731