Breakthrough Cincinnati

6905 Given Road
Cincinnati, OH 45222243

Getting Students Back on Track Academically and Socioemotionally through BTC’s Summer Scholars Program

These past few years of the pandemic have brought many challenges for schools, from students’ lost time in learning environments, staff shortages, and COVID absenteeism and burnout. Educational organizations have also faced barriers to providing their programs to the most vulnerable students due to similar reasons. Students, especially those more underserved, have faced lower test scores and grades, leading to lower high school graduation rates and college enrollment. This makes it harder for high potential students to achieve long-term success. Additionally, the pandemic has led to a decrease in SEL, limiting students’ ability to grow personally. Breakthrough Cincinnati (BTC) aims to put high-need, high-potential students back on track academically while also growing a diverse teaching pipeline. BTC aims to lessen the long-term consequences of the pandemic through one-of-a-kind, academic enrichment programs.

Program Goals:

The following are the original goals and objectives for BTC’s 2023 Summer Scholars Program:

Retention in the Program:
80% of students are retained in the program for 4 years
90% of students complete the summer learning program

Addressing Summer Learning Loss:
80% of students demonstrate academic improvement
85% of students developed new skills to help them academically
80% of students feel more prepared for school next fall

Social-Emotional Learning:
85% of students feel safe and supported at BTC
85% of students feel connected to their BTC community
80% of students feel they can make a difference in their community

College Readiness:
90% of students feel capable of going to college
95% of students want to attend college
90% of students feel BTC is a place to learn more about college and careers

Growing the Teaching Pipeline:
85% of TFs are more interested in education as a career after BTC experience.
80% of TFs are likely to have a career to advocate on the behalf of children.
40% of TFs identify as male. (compared to 23% in schools nationally)
70% of TFs identify as members of historically marginalized communities. (compared to 5% in Ohio)

Program Results:

In total, 197 students and 64 Teaching Fellows participated in the 2023 Summer Scholars Program. These numbers are an increase from 2022, when 175 students and 32 Teaching Fellows took part in the program. All students from the program reside in Hamilton county and 58% attend Cincinnati Public Schools. 94% of students identify as a member of an underrepresented racial or ethnic community group. Female participants make up the majority, at 58%. Many students are a part of low income families (64%), single parent households (51%), and will be first generation college students (52%). Seven percent live in families who speak English as a second language.

Out of the 64 Teaching Fellows (TFs) in the program, 11% were returners. The diversity of TFs in BTC’s program is higher than the average for teachers in Ohio. 61% of TFs in this year’s program identify as members of an underrepresented racial/ethnic community (compared to only 5% in Ohio), and 29% of them identify as male.

BTC’s evaluation plan for the program included tracking student attendance, classroom observations, administering pre and post academic assessments through Exact Path (a nationally normed assessment), and student and Teaching Fellow feedback surveys and reflections. The following are results from the 2023 program:

The following are results from the BTC’s 2023 Summer Scholars Program:
-67% of students were retained in the program over 4 years (2020-2023), with 95% retained between 2022-2023
-94% of students completed the program
-78% of students reported developing new skills to help them academically
-76% of students reported learning new concepts
-76% of students reported feeling prepared for next school year
-87% of students feel safe and supported at BTC
-87% of students felt connected to their BTC community
-85% of students feel capable of going to college
-91% of students want to attend college
-77% of students feel BTC is a place to learn more about college and careers
-83% of TFs are likely to choose a career that advocates on the behalf of children

In addition to the actual results of the program given above, BTC was also able to obtain student growth in Math and Reading skills and long-term results of the Summer Scholars Program. Students took both pre- and post- nationally normed Math and Reading assessments, and 61% of them maintained or grew in Reading skills and 59% of them maintained or grew in Math skills. According to the most recent long-term data, 93% of BTC students graduated from high school on-time and 93% enrolled into college.

Amount: $30,000
Date: February 2023

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700 Walnut Street, Suite 301 Cincinnati, Ohio 45202
Telephone: 513-241-2658   Fax: 513-241-2731