Cathloic Inner City Youth Education Fund (CISE)
100 East Eighth Street
Cincinnati, OH 45202
CISE/Friars Club After-school Study and Sports Program
The CISE/Friars Club project provides a stable, structured environment in which students are able to complete homework assignments and then participate in a sports program. They learn respect, responsibility, sportsmanship, and team building while developing good habits for a lifetime.
Program Goals:
The program provides organized after school athletics for boys and girls K-8. The CISE/Friars Club After-school Study and Sports Program has a primary focus on fundamental skill development through a fun learning environment with an emphasis on respect, responsibility, leadership and good sportsmanship. After school study activities, healthy snacks and organized athletics are the main components of the program. Volunteer coaches/leaders are a major part of the program.
Program Results:
In the fall, we had 50 girls playing basketball in grades 3-8. In the winter, we had 50 boys playing basketball in grades 3-8. In the spring, we had 63 boys and girls grade K-2 playing basketball and 87 girls playing volleyball grades 3-8. We also introduced golf to a couple of the schools impacting 175 students.
Our original goal was to have 300 children participating in our program. We continue to have approximately 300 participants annually for our after school study and sports program. We have increased the number of students served by increasing activities directly at the school. This helps reduce transportation barriers.
The program has been very successful. For the past 19 years, this program has offered services desperately needed in the inner-city schools. Many of the children we serve lack supervised positive physical after-school activities. Children need supervision, especially in low-income areas. When supervision is neglected, there is a tendency of high drug and alcohol abuse, a breakdown of family structure and a climate of violence.
Website: Amount: $60,000
Date: February 2023