East End Adult Education Center
5721 Dragon Way, Suite 401
Cincinnati, OH 45243
Adult Basic Education, HSE Test Preparation, HSE Testing, ESOL/Literacy education, Job Seeking Skills Training.
The EEAEC seeks support for the Educational and Job Skills Program for at risk youth. Students come to The EEAEC for basic literacy, HSE and Jobs Skills instruction. We serve about 190 students per year and the majority of our students are youth with learning problems. We have helped over 850 students achieve their HSE Diplomas and go on to better jobs or college. Our students are tested with The Test of Adult Basic Education and are scoring between the first and ninth grade level in reading, math, and language. These students all need individual instruction. Many have learning disabilities and are unable to learn in the traditional way. Some students are just out of jail or expelled from Cincinnati Public Schools and are at risk of getting into trouble again. We coach our students to take a better path: continuing their education and getting into college or a good career. Our teachers vary their teaching methods, using kinesthetic methods, computer instruction, small group instruction, and individual instruction. Our English as a Second Language students require one on one instruction. Currently, we have a young woman from Africa learning English for the first time. We are very fortunate to have 10 volunteer tutors who come to the Center one or two times a week. These dedicated people are very valuable to our program. Our Jobs Club helps our students explore different careers and research their aptitudes for certain careers. They are helped with job resumes.
Program Goals:
We expect 75% of our Literacy/HSE students to advance two grade levels or more per year. We expect 50% of the GED students (those starting at the 9th grade level) to obtain their HSE Diploma and 20% of all students who attend regularly, to achieve their HSE Diploma. This goal has been met every year. We serve about 100 students per year and the majority are youth with Learning Disabilities who need a high school diploma to enter college or a trade school. They have dreams of living a successful life and supporting themselves. They need a HSE to start on this path.
Program Results:
We served 225 students with 70 in the educational program. We had 28 GED/HSE Graduates and 150 students received services in our computer lab. The students write resumes, apply to colleges or apply for jobs in the computer lab. They also take practice GED Tests and The Official GED Test in the Computer Lab..40% of our enrolled students graduated with their High School Equivalency Degree. 90% of those students enrolled in our educational program increased their educational abilities. 100% of those using the computer lab accomplished their goals. (Applying for college, applying for a job or taking a GED Test.)
Amount: $25,000
Date: February 2023