Family Nurturing Center

5 Spiral Drive, Suite 100
Florence, KY 41042

Kids on the Block Chil Abuse Prevention Program

Kids on the Block Program offers a comprehensive approach to educate children and adults on issues of child abuse. It is designed to increase public awareness about the problem of child abuse and equip children with the skills to recognize and report child abuse. Kids on the Block is seen by more than thousands of children, parents and educators annually.

The School Age Program includes skits using life-size Kids on the Block puppets. The puppets discuss abuse information by telling what happened to them and what followed the disclosure. Puppeteers address disclosures of child abuse.

In response to the high demand for anti-bullying educational programs, we expanded our programming to include a our Bullies and School Safety Program which provides effective, entertaining and relevant information to children in grades K - 5. This dynamic interactive program features education and scenarios that involve emotional and physical bullying, as well as cyber-bullying via social media and texting.

We serve the Tri-State area but our primary focus is in Northern Kentucky in Boone, Campbell, Grant & Kenton Counties.

Program Goals:

Process Objectives:
Objective 1: To educate 7,500 area school-age children in child abuse, bullying and school safety curricula.
Objective 2: To provide at least 150 performances at schools, religious education programs and community organizations within the project year.
Objective 3: To distribute education guides to teachers and school personnel at each location hosting a performance

Anticipated outcomes/impact:
(1) 80% of children tested will increase/maintain their knowledge and awareness of child abuse or bullying/school safety.
(2) 95% of teachers/adults viewing the performance will indicate that the program is helpful to children.
(3) 100% of abuse disclosures will be reported to the proper authorities.

Program Results:

Family Nurturing Center is pleased to present the following results at the mid-way point of the project period:
3,172 individuals served
36 Bullying and School Safety Kids on the Block performances provided
24 Child Abuse Prevention Kids on the Block performances provided
2,120 hours of service provided
90% of children tested increased/maintained their knowledge/awareness of bullying and school safety
90% of teachers indicated that the performance is helpful to children in their care.

Amount: $30,000
Date: February 2023

Privacy Statement

700 Walnut Street, Suite 301 Cincinnati, Ohio 45202
Telephone: 513-241-2658   Fax: 513-241-2731