Valley Interfaith Community Resource Center

420 W. Wyoming Avenue
Cincinnati, OH 45215

Back to School and After Back to School

BACK TO SCHOOL: Providing back to school supplies to students in the Upper Mill Creek Valley Neighborhoods of Hamilton County. This area is significantly underserved and this helps us provide less stressful start to students in an effort to impact generational poverty.

AFTER THE BACK PACK: We want to have a longer 'touch' with students beyond back packs and school supplies. This program is in partnership with Lockland, Lincoln Heights, Woodlawn, Hartwell, St. Bernard, Elmwood Schools to provide financial literacy workbooks to students and provide educational presentations on the importance of financial literacy. This program would also work to establish a savings account for each participating student in a bank in their local community after completing the training sessions.

With three years of a pandemic, historical inflation and a massive influx of immigrants - our community resources are being attacked in an unprecedented way.  Back To School helps to ensure a less stressful start. After The Back Pack will help to prepare children for understanding finances with the hopes of impacting generational poverty later in their lives.

Program Goals:

1. Provide 1, 500 backpacks with start of school supplies for your in underserved schools/communities
2.Provide school supplies to the schools to minimize teacher out of pocket and student need to purchase when refills of supplies become necessary.
3. After The Pack Financial Literacy
a. 250 Students complete the in-person training/workbook
b. Distribute 1,000 workbooks
c. 250 Students establish a Savings Account ($10 each)

Program Results:

-100% of parents/caregivers of new Saturday Club members will participate in an orientation/pre-camp interview:
This goal was achieved. Every new camper in 2024 had a pre-program assessment completed with our Recreation Program Manager and/or Director. The assessment was used to identify likes, dislikes, behavior concerns, support needs, communication type and ability, and other factors related to their success at program.

-90% of children/young adults will participate in two or more activities per session:
This goal was met. All programs consisted of 4 or more activities each day facilitated by program staff and volunteers. Campers were engaged in arts and crafts, sensory, sports and games, fun and learning, music, and physical activities.

-85% of children/young adults will attend multiple sessions, being exposed to opportunities to increase social interaction and independence skills:
This goal was met. For kids club, 85% of participants attended multiple sessions; for young adults club 96% of participants attended multiple sessions. Overall, Saturday Clubs had 91% of participants attend multiple sessions.

-60% of participants who exhibit disruptive behaviors will show a decrease in these behaviors after attending 6 sessions:
This goal was met. For Saturday Clubs, of the total participants that attended clubs, only 4 individuals were withdrawn or removed from program due to continued disruptive behaviors. All other participants that exhibited behavior issues during camp were able to be supported by staff and did not continue to exhibit behavior concerns that were unable to be managed. Program Managers frequently communicated with parents as well as behavior support services through county boards of Developmental Disabilities to identify positive intervention strategies to use for participants that struggled with behavior issues. Visual supports, including program schedules, timers, "first/then" visuals, choice boards, adapted lessons, and more were used by staff to address behavior challenges during program.

Amount: $40,000
Date: February 2023

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700 Walnut Street, Suite 301 Cincinnati, Ohio 45202
Telephone: 513-241-2658   Fax: 513-241-2731