Council on Child Abuse

4531 Reading Road
Cincinnati, OH 45229

General Operating Support

The Council on Child Abuse (COCA) began operations over 40 years ago in response to the need to protect children from abuse and bullying. Since its inception, hundreds of thousands of children have been served through presentations in public, parochial and private schools in the Greater Cincinnati area. Trained presenters teach children how to recognize and avoid potentially dangerous situations. They learn that victims of abuse and bullying have done nothing to deserve such treatment and how to get help.

Program Goals:

COCA's objectives focus on safeguarding and educating children about bullying and abuse to help them succeed both at school and at home. For the past school year, COCA targeted the following outcomes:
- Goal 1: Ensure 90% of students can recognize various types of abusive behaviors after classroom presentations.
- Goal 2: Achieve 90% of students recognizing safety rules following classroom presentations.
- Goal 3: Obtain 95% of students agreeing that COCA's programs would benefit their peers.
- Goal 4: Ensure 100% of students who disclose trauma or abuse are referred for adult intervention.

Program Results:

Goal 1: Outcome: This goal was exceeded, with 96.4% of students identifying different forms of abusive behaviors.
Actual Numbers: 9,403 students.
Goal 2: Outcome: The goal was surpassed, as 97% of students could identify safety rules after the presentations.
Actual Numbers: 9,506 students.
Goal 3: Outcome: This target was exceeded, with 98.3% of students agreeing that COCA's programs would help other students their age.
Actual Numbers: 9,592 students.
Goal 4: Outcome: All disclosed cases were referred to Children's Services for further intervention.
Actual Numbers: 25 cases.

Amount: $25,000
Date: March 2023

Privacy Statement

700 Walnut Street, Suite 301 Cincinnati, Ohio 45202
Telephone: 513-241-2658   Fax: 513-241-2731