Girls on the Run

4760 Red Bank Road, Suite 218
Cincinnati, OH 45227

Girls on the Run Scholarships (Fall 2023 & Spring 2024)

GOTR offers a research-based, 10-week program for girls in grades 3-8, where running is a foundation providing life lessons that can positively shape girls throughout their lives. GOTR-trained coaches lead girls through lessons that help them discover their strengths, understand their value to themselves and others, and how to impact their community by working together. Training for our non-competitive end-of-season 5K is woven into the lessons so girls learn healthy habits and goal setting. GOTR is answering our communities' needs for social-emotional learning (SEL) by providing the support girls need during this crucial point of their development. On average, 45% of GOTR participants require financial assistance for registration fees each season, and almost 25% of our sites are under-served for extracurricular activities, many needing up to 100% scholarship assistance. In 2023, we are facing the inflation of expenses like much of the rest of the world. Our program costs have increased for materials, council fees for GOTR International, increased costs in services provided for our 5K celebration, etc. We have not increased our registration fee of $165, so girls are not discouraged to participate. However, our direct cost per girl is $252. Continued support from the Charles Dater Foundation would significantly help cover costs of our program so we can continue to provide our life changing program for girls across the Greater Cincinnati Area.

Program Goals:

Providing our program for any girl who wants to participate and removing any barriers (financial, physical, cognitive) by giving scholarships and having adaptive lessons for individuals.

Providing the following for 2 seasons of lessons:
• Professionally-fitted running shoes for any girl who needs proper running shoes.
• Healthy snacks for each lesson
• GOTR program shirt for girls and coaches
• 5K finisher's medal
• Program supplies necessary for 20 lessons
• Nationally approved curriculum, including journals for the girls to keep
• Coaches training, including CPR and first-aid training

Each season GOTR staff tracks registrations (a high number of returning sites indicates schools, families and communities see value in our program), financial aid allocations, and attendance. This information is compiled to quantify goals and indicate overall programming successes. One of the best indicators for that success is a high consistency of girls attending lessons and completing the 5K event (85%+), showing the girls were invested in the curriculum and made the personal connection that setting goals and achieving them is important and meaningful. Each season we set quantifiable goals as noted below.
• 85% of girls will:
o Attend regular bi-weekly sessions
o Complete their end-of-season, non-competitive 5K event
o Complete a personally meaningful community service project
As a result, these girls will have:
• Increased their self-confidence
• Bonded with teammates and coaches
• Improved their social and emotional skills, showing care and concern for others, being intentional with positive, learning how to set and achieve goals
• Improved their understanding in how to make healthy mental, social and physical choices.

Program Results:

Between the two seasons of Fall 2023 and Spring 2024, we served a total of 1829 girls. 40% of those girls received scholarships to participate. We were able to keep our commitment and did not turn any girl away due to the inability to pay the registration fee. We were able to provide running shoes for any girl who needed them, healthy snacks for each lesson, a GOTR program shirt for girls and coaches, a 5K finisher's medal to every participant, program supplies necessary for 20 lessons for every team, our nationally approved curriculum-including journals for the girls to keep, and coaches training-including CPR and first-aid training. During the 2 seasons we had 92% of the girls complete the 10 weeks of lessons and end of season 5K. 95% of caregivers said the program was impactful and valuable for their girl. 98% of girls said their GOTR experience was fun. And 93% of coaches stated that they felt they were making a difference and 99% of coaches said their experience was valuable to them.

Amount: $35,000
Date: March 2023

Privacy Statement

700 Walnut Street, Suite 301 Cincinnati, Ohio 45202
Telephone: 513-241-2658   Fax: 513-241-2731