Historic Southwest Ohio

11500 Lebanon Road, P.O. Box 62475
Sharonville, OH 45241

History Education for Tristate Schoolchildren

Grant support for educational programming will assist with purchase of educational supplies, summer camp supplies, Education Director and summer camp counselor salaries.

Program Goals:

Historic Southwest Ohio, INC. Heritage Village Museum offers educational programming for pre-kindergarten through college level. Pre-kindergarten through high school programs meet all Ohio Department of Education standards. College programming is customized to the needs of the class. All programming is structured to meet state standards and allow educators to meet their own teaching objectives. This is done in a positive and fun style that allows for academic growth.

Programming is led by the Education Director, staff, and volunteer education docents. Our cadre of education docents is made up exclusively of retired teachers and those with a passion for education. To continue to offer our educational programming, our needs include a portion of Education Director salary, summer camp counselor salaries, and supplies needed to support and augment our programming.

We offer our programming at a discount or free for those schools with a free and reduced lunch rate of greater than 85%. This ensures that our programming is available to all schools in the tristate. We are asking the Charles Dater Foundation to award Historic Southwest Ohio, INC. for $20,000.00 for use in the ongoing programming mentioned above so that we may continue to serve the tristate community.

Program Results:

2023 saw Heritage Village Museum experience, not only a recovery from COVID related attendance, but also the largest attendance for educational programming ever. Educational programming was utilized by many schools ranging from Northern Kentucky, Southeast Indiana as well as Hamilton County and other surrounding counties. We also saw an increase in attendance by schools with above 85% free and reduced lunches. Attendance was well balanced between the spring semester as well as the fall. A large influx of homeschoolers attending programs also occurred. We hope to continue this attendance trend into 2024.

Historic Southwest Ohio, INC. saw 7,156 students visit Heritage Village Museum for educational programming in the year 2023. The largest attendance ever for our educational programs. Schools from Northern Kentucky, Southeastern Indiana, four counties outside of Hamilton County, Cincinnati metro area, and its suburbs. There was a modest increase in schools with above 85% free and reduced lunches as well. Heritage Village Museum Summer Camps hosted 23 day-campers during our summer camp weeks.

Website: http://www.heritagevillagecincinnati.org
Amount: $20,000
Date: March 2023

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700 Walnut Street, Suite 301 Cincinnati, Ohio 45202
Telephone: 513-241-2658   Fax: 513-241-2731
