Lighthouse Youth & Family Services
401 E. McMillan Street, OH
Cincinnati, OH 45206
Sheakley Center for Youth
The Sheakley Center for Youth provides shelter, food, and resources for vulnerable young adults (ages 18 to 24) and increases access to well-integrated and trauma-informed mental health services. The shelter has 36 individual bedrooms and the Resource Center provides the following to all homeless young people, regardless of whether they choose to stay overnight: laundry facilities, full bathroom facilities, cafeteria with three meals a day, nurse’s office, and computers for job searches and application submissions.Shelter guests are strongly encouraged to engage in services that support self-sufficiency and apply for needed public benefits such as Medicaid. They are supported in seeking employment and permanent housing, either in a Lighthouse program or another community placement. Employees at the Sheakley Center are trained in trauma-informed care principles, positive youth development, and other evidence-based programming.
Program Goals:
Lighthouse’s Sheakley Center for youth expected to serve 260 clients and has established the following performance measures.
1. 158 of 225 (70%) of youth will exit the shelter to permanent housing destinations.
2. 90 of 225 (40%) of youth will maintain or increase their total income (from all sources) while in the program.
3. 80% of youth do not experience homelessness within one year of exiting the program.
• Exits to permanent housing: This is based on the percentage of youth who exit to a positive housing destination, including an apartment in the community (with or without ongoing subsidy) or being reunified with family.
• Maintaining or increasing total income: This is based on the percentage of youth who maintain or increase their total income from employment and/or through non-cash benefits, such as SSI.
• Not experiencing homelessness within one year: This is based on a community-wide HMIS recidivism report, which allows service providers to see if a former client has entered an emergency shelter anywhere in the city.
Program Results:
Below are the results of the Sheakley Center’s goals for calendar year 2023. In 2023, there were 317 clients served at the Sheakley Center with 35 of those clients still being served at the end of this reporting period.
1. 214 of 282 (76%) youths exited the shelter to permanent housing destinations.
2. 104of 282 (38%) youths maintained or increased their total income (from all sources) while in the program.
3. 86% of youth did not experience homelessness within one year of exiting the program.
Website: Amount: $40,000
Date: March 2023