Mayerson Academy

3080 Exploration Avenue #640
Cincinnati, OH 45206

Strong Workplace Solutions: Expanding Nonprofit Capacity to Transform Greater Cincinnati

Launched in 2018 as Strong Cincinnati and now known as Strong Workplace Solutions (SWS), SWS helps nonprofits in Greater Cincinnati meet the demands they face by expanding their capacity and deepening their impact through transformative professional learning, consulting, and peer-to-peer collaboration, Our Institute model is a comprehensive intervention. Capacity building and culture change take time, so we partner with organizations throughout the process, not just at the beginning. We also know that a one-size-fits-all approach does not work for our diverse nonprofit sector and that’s why we customize our approach in response to the unique needs and context of each of partner. Finally, we have embedded structures into our design to ensure sustainability – our partner organizations support each other throughout the change process, starting with the Strong Institute and then through the Strong Network, which includes Learning Labs, the Strong Leaders half-day workshop, and Strong Intensive sessions.

Program Goals:

? Annually add 4 nonprofits to the Network; nonprofits will be diverse and meet criteria
for readiness, including: strategic alignment of SWS with partner’s mission, vision, goals, and leadership engagement. 
? Ensure partners maintain progress on key benchmarks for strengths-based culture
change and increased engagement, performance, & workplace wellbeing. 
? Sustain at least 60% active engagement of existing partners beyond initial engagement.

Short-term outcomes focus on the experience of partners through initial engagement and follow-upconsultation. Outcomes include: 
- At least 90% of participants describe sessions as a valuable professional learning experience and would
recommend SWS programs to a trusted peer at another nonprofit. 
- At least 90% of participants can directly apply their learnings into their day-to-day work. 
Intermediate outcomes focus on the sustained engagement of SWS partners beyond initial engagement
and progress of partners toward achieving strengths-based culture change. Outcomes include: 
- Maintain at least 60% engagement among all partners. 

- Partners in Year 1 or Year 2 of implementation are rated as "on track" towards key culture change

Program Results:

- We have delivered our work to fifteen new nonprofits so far in 2023. 
- Based on our annual 2023 Impact Survey Results, 95% of respondents apply character
strengths at work every week, with 91% using specific Strengths-Based strategies, tools
and/or resources. 
- Currently 36% of all network organizations meet our requirements for “active engagement”,
with another additional 22% considered somewhat engaged but “wavering.”

Amount: $35,000
Date: March 2023

Privacy Statement

700 Walnut Street, Suite 301 Cincinnati, Ohio 45202
Telephone: 513-241-2658   Fax: 513-241-2731