St. Vincent de Paul - Northern Kentucky
2655 Crescent Springs Road
Covington, KY 41017
Sweet Dreams Bed Program for Youth
Sweet Dreams is the only bed program in NKY supplying beds to children, older adults and people with disabilities. The majority of beds go to youth 16 years old and younger. The money will be used to purchase single be frames with mattresses and protective covers, as well as shipping directly to clients.
Program Goals:
The project measurable outcome is:•Number of beds distributedThe success of the program will be measured through:•Number of beds requested and delivered through our Client Assistance Call Center•Number of beds requested and delivered for custody cases through our Client Assistance Call CenterIn FY 2022-23 our goal was to distribute 598 beds with 475 going to children. We expected that we would serve less clients than in 2021-2022 due to the increased costs of bed frames, mattresses, mattress covers, and delivery.
Program Results:
All bed requests fielded by the Assistance Office were provided to the Vincentian volunteers to verify need. We projected that 598 total beds would be distributed. Due to additional funding, 661 beds were distributed, with 569 going to children. In FY 22-23 we exceeded our goals for the total number of beds given overall and total number of beds to children.
Website: Amount: $30,000
Date: March 2023