EDGE Teen Center
7568 Wyandot Lane, Suite 2
Liberty Township, OH 445044
EDGE Teen Center’s Afterschool Program
EDGE Teen Center’s mission is to empower teens to impact the world. We do this by providing high school students with access to two diverse, youth-driven teen centers committed to creating mentoring relationships with caring adults. Every day after school, staff and volunteers facilitate programs that challenge students to become the best version of themselves. We serve teens through four key programs: Healthy Living, Academic Success, Life Skills and Community Service. Any teen in grades 9-12 may take part in EDGE programs that encourage them to grow personally, socially, and academically.
Program Goals:
Our desired outcome is for teens to become caring, responsible and productive adults. Goals of the EDGE after-school program are to empower teens and to positively impact their knowledge, attitudes, self-efficacy and behavior while helping them acquire the tools to navigate the complexities of life. Positive impact and outcomes only occur after successful engagement; therefore, we track our performance in engaging teens. Of the teens who regularly attend our after-school program, our desired outcomes are that at least 85% will report enjoying their experience at EDGE and 90% of all freshmen return in their sophomore year.
Additional desired outcomes are that 95% will advance to the next grade, 75% will report increased knowledge about post-secondary options available to them (i.e., enroll, enlist, employment, entrepreneurship), 75% report feeling better able to deal with day-to-day life stressors than they could one year ago, and 50% take part in community service learning opportunities.
Program Results:
In the 2023-2024 school year, EDGE@East is showing consistent results in regards to daily attendance while EDGE@West has shown remarkable growth.
Actual Results:
100% report enjoying their experience
90% of freshman will return in their sophomore year
96% advanced to the next grade
87% reported increased knowledge of post-secondary
70% have taken part in community service learning opportunities
Average Daily attendance by school year:
2021-2022 36 teens
2022-2023 46 teens
2023-2024 46 teens
2021-2022 38 teens
2022-2023 50 teens
2023-2024 78 teens
http://www.edgeteencenter.com Amount: $35,000
Date: April 2023