Freestore Foodbank
3401 Rosenthal Way
Cincinnati, OH 45204
Power Pack Program
Freestore Foodbank’s Power Pack program began in 2004 and is based on the Feeding America national BackPack initiative. Low-income children are fed daily through free/reduced-price school meals, available only on school days. These children may be forced to skip meals during weekends and school breaks due to a lack of resources. The Power Pack program works with schools to provide packs of food assistance to food-insecure children every Friday of the school year to alleviate hunger on non-school days.Funding from the Charles H. Dater Foundation will assist in ensuring the sustainability of the program and allow us to expand to meet the needs of local children. We are currently requesting applications from new and current sites and have been in touch with new sites interested in joining the program.
Program Goals:
Our long-term goals for the Power Pack program are:
• To decrease childhood hunger in our region for the over 90,000 food-insecure children
• Encourage healthy eating habits
• Help food-insecure families to find stability
To reach these goals, we work to improve childhood hunger programs, including the Power Pack program, our organization's largest and widest-reaching program.
During the 2023-2024 school year, we are projecting the following:
• 112 school sites
• 5,892 students served weekly (unduplicated)
• 217,146 distributed Power Packs during the school year
Program Results:
As of February, the Power Pack program is serving 109 sites and 6,347 children.
Website: Amount: $75,000
Date: April 2023