Karen Carns Foundation
4600 N. Mason Montgomery Road
Mason, OH 45050
Coats for Kids
Program description: To provide new winter coats to children in need in the Greater Cincinnati area.We accept letters of nomination from area teachers/advocates for students who are in need of the gift of a new winter coat. We schedule a shopping day in November at a local retailer. The teachers come and choose the coats for their nominated students, and our foundation pays for them. The retailer typically provides a discount on the coat purchases, and opens the store 2 hours early for our shoppers so that they are the only customers and can get assistance from the store staff.Our foundation wants to ensure that needy children can receive new winter coats. Also, the intent is to strengthen the bond between the student and the teacher/advocate by having the teacher submit a letter for each child, and by having the teacher pick out the coat for the student.
Program Goals:
Our objective was to purchase 1500 new coats in 2023 for area children in need. We ended up purchasing over 1600 coats.
Program Results:
1679 coats were purchased. We actually had to cut off organizations due to our limited resources both financially and physical. The demand for coats was huge this year. We were able to provide an additional 179 coats to area children this year, over our original estimate of 1500. However, it was necessary for us to pull from our tuition budget reserves in order to meet this need.
http://www.karencarnsfoundation.org Amount: $30,000
Date: April 2023