Price Hill Will
3301 Price Avenue
Cincinnati, OH 45205
MYCincinnati Summer Camp & Price Hill Music Festival
One third of Price Hill residents are under the age of 18 and need educational opportunities during the summer months. Art education opportunities directly impact a student’s academic achievement and youth from low-income households often do not receive the same art education opportunities as their more affluent peers.
The MYCincinnati Summer Camp and Price Hill Music Festival will provide 3,000 hours of high-quality, immersive music education to 60 students ages 7-18 in Price Hill. Students will reflect the demographics of the current Orchestra which is 90% low-income households, 54% Latino, 22% Black, 14% White, 1.5% Indigenous, and 8.5% mixed race. Students will work with world-class professional artists to co-create chamber music performances that will debut at the 8th annual Price Hill Music Festival on June 24th. The Festival will engage over 1,000 families, friends, and neighbors to connect at the community celebration.
Program Goals:
MYCincinnati provided 3,000+ hours of high-quality music education to 50 youth in Price Hill during our 2023 summer camp. During summer camp, students collaborated w/ renowned professional musicians to cocreate a performance piece for the Price Hill Music Festival. The festival provided more than 1,000 audience members with a celebratory community concert featuring our MYCincinnati Teaching Artists and students.
Program Results:
During the 2023 Price Hill Music Festival, MYCincinnati was able to introduce chamber music, and the chamber music cultural experience to our student musicians as well as the Price Hill community. Creating an inclusive chamber music experience, both in our summer camp and festival, that our families could participate in was extremely rewarding for all people involved. It was our goal to create an event and educational experiences that both made our community comfortable while introducing concepts and cultures that were new and encouraged us all to grow together. We are proud of the success of both the Price Hill Music Festival and our 2023 Summer Camp.
50 youth from Price Hill participated in our free 2023 Summer Camp.
Website: Amount: $30,000
Date: April 2023