216 Erckenbrecker Avenue
Cincinnati, OH 45229

General Operating Support

SOS ART will create/publish 2 educational tools on themes of peace and justice, geared for children/youth, to be given free to all elementary/complementary schools in the Greater Cincinnati area, with the intent to be used by students and discussed by teachers in the classroom. They consist of:

1) a series of comic books, each on a given theme of peace/justice (ex tolerance, freedom, equality, environment, compassion...), each composed of 2 different stories on the same theme, illustrated by 2 different artists or group of artists from Greater Cincinnati. They will be given free to schools, where students will read them and discuss/expand their theme with their art teacher. They would serve, in addition, as a starting point for an art exercise by the students on the same theme. This series will be progressive, books created/published on an ongoing basis to cover the major themes of peace and justice, and will involve many of our Greater Cincinnati illustration artists.

2) a deck of cards of world peacemakers. The deck will include cards representing 66 world peacemakers from all times/countries/ethnicities/religions... Each card will have on one side a stylized portrait of the represented peacemaker, illustrated by a Greater Cincinnati artist, and on the other side a short biography of and a quote by the peacemaker. These decks will be given free to elementary/complementary Greater Cincinnati schools, to be shared with students and used by teachers in the classrooms for assignments about the respective peacemakers included, their life and actions... and comparison with others.

Program Goals:

The original grant request was to help in the creation/publication of children educational tools (comic books on themes of peace and justice, and deck of card of world peacemakers) to be given free to elementary and middle schools in order to expose children/youths to values of peace and justice and engage them in thinking about them and discussing them with the hope that they would espouse them.
The granting board of the Dater Foundation instead allowed SOS ART more flexibility and provided a grant for General Operating Support, that came in very handy allowing SOS ART to use the money for various operational expenses.

Program Results:

1) publication of 6 comic books
2) publication of "Voices from India" book
3) publication of "For a Better World 2024" Book of Poems and Drawings on Peace and Justice by Greater Cincinnati Artists

Amount: $25,000
Date: April 2023

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700 Walnut Street, Suite 301 Cincinnati, Ohio 45202
Telephone: 513-241-2658   Fax: 513-241-2731