615 Elsinore Place, Suite 400
Cincinnati, OH 45202
LifeCenter's Celebrate Life Calendar 2024
In order to meet the critical need for organ, eye and tissue donors in the Greater Cincinnati area, LifeCenter produces the Celebrate Life Calendar to highlight not only the necessity for more registered donors, but also to inspire and motivate our community to take action and advocate for donation.The calendar project continues to educate our community, especially our area students about the importance of organ, eye and tissue donation; it is an integral supplemental tool to our education and outreach programs. As a result, we have been able to ensure that the donation message is seen by the community 365 days a year.LifeCenter's education and outreach efforts in the community also helps save the lives of children and support their families at three of the leading transplant centers in Cincinnati: Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, University of Cincinnati Medical Center and The Christ Hospital Health Network.Currently, there are more than 110,000 men, women and children waiting on a lifesaving transplant with a new name added every ten minutes. In 2022, more than 1,700 children received an organ transplant.
Program Goals:
Our goal is to assist the public education efforts by producing and distributing 3,000 full size calendars and 10,000 pocket calendars to schools, churches, hospitals, medical offices, driver’s license agencies, businesses and various other community outreach audiences. We have learned from previous editions of this calendar that sharing donor families and recipient testimonials in the community contributes to an increased support for organ, eye and tissue donation. These calendars are particularly distributed to the Intensive Care Units and Emergency Rooms where nurses and medical staff members have greater contact with potential organ and tissue donors. In addition, to the more than 165 area high schools and charter schools within LifeCenter’s 16 county service area reaching hundreds of thousands of young people at a critical time as they begin driving and making their own decision about organ, eye and tissue donation.
Program Results:
This project is one that LifeCenter has participated in for 21 years and every year it is one of the most anticipated projects. For Greater Cincinnati schools, hospitals, community partners, volunteers, people reached through our social media and everyone in between, we have had such positive feedback about the stories and information shared within the pages of the calendar.
For teachers, it becomes a daily reminder hanging in their classrooms to their students that donation affects everyone. For hospitals, it reminds their staff what they are working towards when they are working on a case involving transplant and donation. For the community at large, it is a visual reminder that shows that everyone plays an important role in the promotion of donation and transplantation. Today, the calendar project continues to be a successful education tool for us and the personal testimonials continue to inspire and motivate others to help make a difference.
LifeCenter has learned from the success of the calendar project, that we are not only able to honor and celebrate the boys, girls, men and women who have been impacted by donation and transplantation, but we are also able to see increases in donor designations through the overwhelming positive feedback.
Every day of the year, a visual depiction of the miracle of organ, eye and tissue donation is displayed throughout the Greater Cincinnati community (i.e., Churches, Driver’s License Agencies, Hospitals, Area Businesses and Schools) to raise awareness and advance our education and outreach efforts.
Website: Amount: $25,000
Date: May 2023