Cincinnati Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired20

2045 Gilbert Avenue
Cincinnati, OH 45202

CABVI's Music Therapy Program for Children who are Blind or Visually Impaired

CABVI is respectfully requesting a grant in the amount of $35,000 for partial salary support of CABVI's two board certified music therapists to serve at least 75 youth (ages 0-22). Music therapy can be easily adapted to each child's abilities, learning style, interests, and remaining vision. This process helps youth cope with vision loss by improving their self-concept and outlook on life. Music is a great motivator and encourages children use their current abilities to increase their range of skills and use their remaining functional vision.

Program Goals:

The original goal of this grant project was to serve at least 75 youth who are blind or visually impaired (ages 0-22) with Music Therapy. This includes individual sessions, group sessions, and music events and family activities (such as Drumming in the Park).

Program Results:

CABVI is pleased to report that we were able to serve 85 youth who are blind or visually impaired with music therapy that was specifically designed to meet the unique needs of each individual. Some students worked on using their remaining vision to play simple instruments like drums and bells, to improve their fine and gross motor skills, to increase social interactions, and to enhance creative expression.

CABVI's music therapy program was very successful in helping many individual students to use their strengths and remaining vision to achieve goals that help them in all areas of life. As families came together for music therapy, they also formed friendships that help them to raise their children toward young adulthood and beyond. Many children feel isolated in the community since they may be the only child they know who is blind or visually impaired. When we bring children and families together it normalizes some of the challenges and children learn from each other how to transform their differences into embracing their own uniqueness.

Amount: $25,000
Date: June 2023

Privacy Statement

700 Walnut Street, Suite 301 Cincinnati, Ohio 45202
Telephone: 513-241-2658   Fax: 513-241-2731