Comprehensive Community Child Care
2100 Sherman Avenue, Suite 300
Cincinnati, OH 45212
Child Care Teacher Advancement Project
The Child Care Teacher Advancement project supports early childhood educators with their pursuit of continuing education and training to meet state requirements and work toward career goals. This project strives to maintain and increase the qualifications of early childhood educators to ensure a stable early childhood workforce. Additionally, this project provides support towards operational and financial success of child care programs by creating a stable, well-qualified, staff. Adequate staffing ensures classrooms remain operational and child care programs maintain or increase their enrollment. This is critical and ensures that quality child care is available and accessible to vulnerable low-income families in our region, that children receive the critical educational and developmental foundation necessary for their future success, and that our local workforce avoids disruption from a lack of available child care. Our efforts specifically serve child care programs contracted to accept low-income families (families that pay for child care through state assistance).
Program Goals:
1,000 unduplicated child care professionals participate in 4C for Children training sessions during the project year
125 students complete CDA coursework
95% of child care programs are Step Up to Quality Rated
The objective of this project is to provide child care professionals with the continuing education they need to remain in the workforce, enhance their career, and stabilize child care availability for families. To meet goals and measure the outcomes of this project, 4C for Children will do the following:
Continue cultivation of new and ongoing relationships with early childhood educators
Complete a needs assessment to understand training needs and produce an assessment of training needs
Based on needs assessment, develop training to meet identified needs
Provide monthly health and safety trainings to help teachers meet ODJFS requirements (First Aid, CPR, Communicable Disease, Child Abuse Prevention)
Provide quarterly training in the following areas: Inclusion, English as second language and serving homeless families
Provide monthly training sessions designed to support highly rated programs
Provide monthly training sessions to support teachers new to the field
Provide CDA cohorts
Program Results:
The Child Care Teacher Advancement Project was an overall success. The objective of this project was to provide child care professionals with the continuing education they need to remain in the workforce, enhance their career, and stabilize child care availability for families. Specific results include:
• 1,379 unduplicated child care professionals participated in 187 4C for Children Ohio Approved training sessions.
• 120 child care professionals completed the Child Development Associate (CDA) coursework.
• 98% of child care programs are Step Up To Quality Rated
http://www.4cforchildren Amount: $20,000
Date: June 2023