Faith Alliance Coalition

President Drive Church of Christ, 3671 President Drive
Cincinnati, OH 45225

Day of Hope 2023

The Faith Alliance Coalition Team is requesting your support for a youth program aimed at getting children the proper supplies, mental and physical health needs and resources for school. The purpose is to build relationships and connections with service organizations, Cincinnati Police Department and the families of the communities of Cincinnati - District 3.

Program Goals:

In August of 2023, we planned “A Day of Hope" at Roll Hill Elementary School. Our objectives were to host a back-to-school event for the families in the North Fairmont, South Fairmont, Cumminsville and Roll Hill Communities in conjunction with the Cincinnati Police Department. Our goal was to create a welcoming and fun community event while providing children with full backpacks, new reading books, hygiene kits, dental health, food boxes, and give-a-way prizes with household necessities. In addition, through the collaboration of the faith alliance group, we planned to provide winter coats, hats and gloves for the children. Our objectives were to help 300 plus families with school supplies for their children. We also had planned to include space for service agencies so the they can provide the much needed support for the families. We hoped to create a friendly and welcoming atmosphere by having a cookout with hot dogs and frozen snow cones.

Program Results:

The Day of Hope 2023 was the largest attended back to school event we have had in the nine years. 

The event was located at the Roll Hill Elementary School. We hosted both a drive-thru and walk through event. We were successful in publicizing the event. We had radio announcements and flyers made in multiple languages to communicate to the public the location of the event. We gave out all the materials that we planned on giving. Knowing the expenses of the previous year and the rise in inflation, we kept close to our planned budget for school supplies, health kits, and coats. We provided food including snow cones and grilled hot dogs this year which became a huge success for returning to the picnic style event. We gave approximately 678 backpacks filled with additional school supplies, hygiene kits. We distributed 400 boxes of food for each child with support from Childhood Food Solutions. The Book Bus continued their support from last year and provided 250 new books plus we had a private donor that supplied us with an additional 50 books. We also had educational books on Health and Safety. We had prizes with household essentials and cleaning supplies for every 3rd or 4th car. We had a balloon artist who provided entertainment for the children. We also offered a spiritual support prayer booth and service agencies covering mental health for families. We had Cincinnati Children’s, CareGivers, Cincinnati Works, and Mentoring Services. We also had the Cincinnati Fire Department that allowed the children to explore the fire truck. 

After the event, we were able to use a large portion of the unused funds to purchase 236 coats and 288 set of hat and gloves (up from 146 new coats from the previous year) through Gabe’s retail store. Gabe’s provided a special opening just for the Faith Alliance so that we could shop and also receive an additional discount for the winter coats. We opened the year with a balance of $247.26 and with the $20,000 for the Dater Foundation we ended up with a balance after the event of $5,363,29. With the reminder of the balance from the grant, we divided the remaining balance between St. Leo Food Pantry and Childhood Food Solutions as we did last year. Approved by consensus of the team. 

Overall the event was fruitful and demonstrated support to the District 3 community. This was a truly blessed event and we are so grateful for the volunteers and donation from the Charles Dater Foundation.

Amount: $20,000
Date: June 2023

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700 Walnut Street, Suite 301 Cincinnati, Ohio 45202
Telephone: 513-241-2658   Fax: 513-241-2731