Best Point Education & Behavioral Health (2)
5050 Madison Road
Cincinnati, OH 45227
CATS Elevation
Best Point is leveraging CATS (Cincinnati Arts and Technology School) to create more pathways for at risk high schoolers that increase their chances of graduation, employability and/or post-secondary education. CATS offers not only the option for credit but provides art education, life skills and job readiness skill building. All programming meets Ohio Department of Education visual arts standards for earning credits towards graduation as well as offer seals or certifications where possible. This added diversity in curriculum along with the tenants of the program have added remarkable value to student success.
BP is seeking funding to build upon the success of the CATS program in our K-12 campus schools, our 6th -12th Heidt Center of Excellence (for those with autism and related disorders), the CATS after school program and to expand it to our Butler County Cambridge School. CATS offers students who are behind in credits or at risk of not graduating the skills, credentials, credits and pathways to graduation and employment they desperately need.
Program Results:
No grant evaluation report was submitted.
Website: Amount: $25,000
Date: July 2023