ProKids (2)

2605 Burnet Avenue
Cincinnti, OH 45219

ProKids: A Chance at a Childhood Campaign

A Chance at a Childhood is a $28 million campaign that invests in key priorities with the greatest impact for reaching every child in Hamilton County’s child protection system to ensure they grow up in a safe, secure, and nurturing environment.

A Chance at a Childhood investment pillars include:
- Build-out of a new generational home & convening center for ProKids ($7 million)
- Critical innovative and capacity-building programming investments ($10.5 million)
- Sustainability investments ($10.5 million)

Program Goals:

A Chance at a Childhood will ultimately allow ProKids to support every child in the child protection system. Success is measured as follows:

[1] The build-out of a 22,000 sq. ft. new generational home and a welcoming office space Downtown. This is a 400% increase from the current office square footage of 4,400. Additionally, the new training and event suite will have a meeting capacity of 250 (people). This can be measured as a 900% increase from the current training/meeting capacity of 25.

[2] $28 million campaign goal raised. Campaign investments are made with $7 million towards the new generational home and convening space; $10.5 million invested in programming to reach all children in the system; and $10.5 million invested in the ProKids sustainability fund.

[3] Double the number of CASA Volunteers trained and recruited. Measurement: 667 CASA Volunteers trained and assigned to cases (102% increase from current baseline of 331).

[4] Double the number of children served directly by ProKids through ProKids Advocacy Teams. Measurement: 2,200 children served directly by ProKids through ProKids Advocacy Teams (100% increase from current baseline of 1,101 children served).

[5] Double the hours invested in children by CASA Volunteers and ProKids staff. Measurement: 134,640 hours invested in children by CASA Volunteers and ProKids staff. (108% increase from current baseline of 64,680 hours).

[6] Increase the number of children in the child protection system receiving financial support by establishing the Everyday Needs and Dreams Fund. Measurement: Financial support available to 3,500 children in the child protection system through the Everyday Needs and Dreams Fund. (3,400% increase from current amount available, which is only about 100 children annually directly served by ProKids).

[7] ProKids’ ability to continue to hold system-wide on-site trainings annually for ProKids staff, volunteers, and strategic partners. Measurement: In 2024, ProKids plans to hold 4-6 trainings/workshops with strategic partners in our new space, increasing after the first year. Strategic partners include Hamilton County Jobs and Family Services, Juvenile Court, and the GAL Division of the Public Defender’s Office. ProKids does not have the ability to conduct trainings with strategic partners in our current office.

[8] ProKids’ ability to cover the increased cost of operating expenses with returns from the ProKids sustainability funds. Measurement: Exact measurement to be determined following first year of occupancy in the new space.

Program Results:

Support from the Charles H. Dater Foundation has and will continue to allow ProKids to invest in new and innovative programming. Thus far, ProKids has achieved a number of short-term goals for the A Chance at a Childhood Campaign, including the following:

• We officially moved into our new office and convening space at the end of December 2023. All staff have workstations and we are able to hold hybrid trainings and meetings. CASA Volunteers were welcomed into the space 1/23.
• The first in-person multi-system meeting with Ohio Supreme Court representatives was held at our new space on 1/30.
• A recruitment and training schedule for CASA Volunteer development has been created, with our first in-person recruitment Snapshot taking place in our new training suite on 2/6.
• $19.7 million has been committed to the campaign from 84 donors, with ProKids Board members contributing $6.6 million thus far. Six seven figure commitments have been made along with ten between $250,000 - $999,999 and ten between $100,000 - $249,999.

The following long-term campaign goals will be achieved within the next 10 years:
• Double the number of CASA Volunteers trained and recruited. Baseline: 331 CASA Volunteers trained and assigned to cases; Goal 667 CASA Volunteers trained and assigned to cases (102% increase).
• Double the number of children served directly by ProKids through ProKids Advocacy Teams. Baseline: 1,101 children served; Goal: 2,200 children served. (100% increase).
• Double the hours invested in children by CASA Volunteers and ProKids staff. Baseline: 64,680 hours; Goal 134,640 hours (108% increase).
• Increase the number of children in the child protection system receiving financial support by establishing the Everyday Needs and Dreams Fund, used for everyday childhood needs and dreams—things such as sports registration fees, tutoring, clothing, costs for getting a driver’s license, contact lenses, etc. Baseline: support provided to only about 100 children annually directly served by ProKids; Goal: increase availability of support to all 3,500 children in the child protection system. (3,400% increase)

The following goals are ongoing, long-term goals:
• Continue to hold at least 4-6 system-wide on-site trainings annually for ProKids staff, volunteers, and strategic partners.
• Cover the increased cost of operating expenses with returns from the ProKids sustainability funds.

In 2023, ProKids served 1,282 abused and neglected children, the greatest in our organization’s history. 99% are safe from abuse and neglect, 91% are stable, and 94% have achieved permanency. At a time when our child protection system is struggling in some ways more than ever before, your deep commitment to our children has helped make these outcomes possible.

Amount: $100,000
Date: July 2023

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700 Walnut Street, Suite 301 Cincinnati, Ohio 45202
Telephone: 513-241-2658   Fax: 513-241-2731