Churches Active in Northside (CAIN)
4230 Hamilton Avenue
Cincinnati, OH 45223
Rainbow Choice Food Pantry
When no grant application was received by June 2023, the Foundation made a "renewal grant" for the program for which funding had been provided in the previous year. For more information about the program, see the Grants Section of the 2021-22 Dater Foundation Annual Report on this web site and/or go to the grantee organization's web site. No grant evaluation report was received upon completion of the program.
Program Results:
The following success narrative was submitted about six months after the grant was made.
Funding supported CAIN’s Rainbow Choice Food Pantry which provides healthy and nutritious food, personal care items, household cleaning items, diapers, and other necessities to anyone who needs it in the greater Cincinnati area.
In 2023 we served 2,529 households. 4,889 female, 4,991 male, 30 transgender, 16 non-conforming and 52 unknowns. The population served included 5,382 Adults, 682 Seniors, 1,497 Children (0-5), 2,416 Children (6-17) and 1 unknown. Those served included 25 Asian, 2,647 Black/African-American, 1,089 Caucasian, 5,549 Hispanic, 54 Native American, 5 Pacific Islander, 242 Multi-racial, 279 Prefer not to say, and 88 other.
The growth in need for our services has continued and we serve an ever growing population. Continued support is needed so that we can meet the needs of our guests and not reduce our services. CAIN has the infrastructure and capacity to meet demand but needs financial support for food, personal care items, staffing and supplies related to pantry services.
Website: Amount: $20,000
Date: July 2023