Butler Philharmonic
One High Street
Hamilton, OH 45011
Take It To Youth
The organization and its board are committed to engaging youth in the appreciation and performance of classical music. This season they initiated a two-part project designed to reach youth at school. First, focused primarily on middle and high school students, Maestro Woodard takes small groups of professional musicians into area schools for mini-concerts and discussions of instruments. Second, a two- day "Spring Music Weekend" is offered for one school in April each year. The first day, school music groups perform for their peers. The next evening there is a side-by-side concert with BP and Youth orchestra musicians and school students. This ticketed concert is open to the public.
Program Goals:
1. Provide an opportunity for youth to experience and appreciate all types of music, including classical.
2. Attract young musicians to perform with the Butler Phil Youth Orchestra. 3. Encourage more students to enjoy and participate in school music programs. 4 Develop closer working relationships between school music programs and the Butler Phil Youth Orchestra.
Program Results:
As part of the "Take it to Youth" project. Maestro Woodard and 2 - 5 musicians made 9 visits to area high and middle schools during the 2022-23 season. The visits included small groups of BP's professional musicians intended to introduce students to various types of music that can be played using the instruments featured that day. Focus was on the instruments and how they could be used. Often students were invited to try the instrument. This project is very popular with the educators who often helped plan or schedule the events. The demand for the program continues through 2023-24.
A second part of the "Take it to Youth" project is featuring one school a year in a "music weekend." Last year the event was held at Fairfield High School. This year features Ross High School to be held April 28-29, 2023. The weekend is entitled "The Magic of Gershwin". Friday a select number of BP Orchestra and Youth Orchestra musicians perform for the students. Saturday evening there is a concert for the community in the same "side-by-side" format featuring numbers by the award-winning Ross Choir.
+An additional strategy was the introduction to the "Petting Zoo". At our summer outdoor concerts, the professional musicians set up a zoo consisting of instruments (definitely used). Youngsters were allowed to try to play the instruments to their delight. Maestro made a point of playing a piece in the concert that incorporated the instruments played. Very popular. This year a Petting Zoo was featured at Pyramid Hill's "Fall Arts Festival" which also featured the BP Orchestra.
+An extra highlight of the season was the "Holiday Pops" concert in December featuring Santa and all the wonderful music the youngsters and oldsters enjoy
+The BP Youth Orchestra gained players through the program from 20 to 51 and growing. They performed 3 concerts this season including a side-by-side with the BP Orchestra.
+The renewed Belew Concerto Competition awarded a scholarship to a talented BP Youth Orchestra cello player.
http://www.butlerphil.org Amount: $20,000
Date: September 2022