Civic Garden Center

2715 Reading Road
Cincinnati, OH 45206

Youth Education Programs

Funds from the Dater Foundation were used for general support of our youth education program and its youth education coordinator and program associate. Our youth education program includes:

1. Summer Sprouts - these programs are designed to offer a seed to plate experience for children who are attending summer camps located near our Pendleton Children’s Gardens. Both 3CDC, coordinator of the Ziegler Park Summer Camp and a Summertime Kids Grant from the Greater Cincinnati Foundation helped support the program. In 2023, CGC staff and interns facilitated programs with Peaslee Neighborhood Center and Ziegler Park summer camps. There was a total of 42 programs which were attended by 96 participants and 15 adult chaperones each week.
Pendleton Children’s Garden

The small and cozy Pendleton Children’s Garden gets a lot of use every summer during Summer Sprouts but as a greenspace needs attention and care year-round. This space also has four garden beds that are available for community members to rent and grow in and for the past several years the same three neighbors have been dedicated to their beds. Three garden beds that were in disrepair were replaced ahead of the spring growing season so the gardeners could have another successful season. Between two fall volunteer workdays, the native and ornamental beds got a major overhaul and an old, decommissioned compost area was removed from the garden. In the winter the river birch and wisteria also were looked at by a pruning professional and the work was scheduled for early 2024.

2. Field trips to Hauck Botanic Garden
This fall we welcomed 7 schools and 3 organizations, totaling 13 field trips, 452 students and 76 adults. We continue to enhance the composting component of the field trip with pollinator garden and herb garden and rain garden education experiences for the students.

3. In-person school garden lessons
In 2023, we provided programming to students at Pleasant Hill Academy, Parker Woods Montessori and Fairview German Language School. There was a total of 14 programs with 254 student and 18 adult contacts. We supported North Avondale Montessori in establishing a compost focused enrichment program although the program was facilitated by classroom teachers within the school.

4. Growing Our Teachers - USDA Farm to School Implementation Grant funding for this program and corresponding partnerships with Green Umbrella and Gorman Heritage Farm ended in June 2023 along with the end of our second cohort. The Civic Garden Center secured additional funding through the Haile Foundation to add to funds from the Dater Foundation to continue running the program for another cohort of teachers during the 2023-2024 school year. Our third cohort has 10 members who will continue in the training through June of 2024.

When no grant application was received by June 2023, the Foundation made a "renewal grant" for the program for which funding had been provided in the previous year.  For more information about the program, see the Grants Section of the 2021-22 Dater Foundation Annual Report on this web site and/or go to the grantee organization's web site.  

Program Results:
No formal Grant Evaluation Report was submitted with results for the program.  This "Success Narrative" was submitted in February 2024. 


Amount: $25,000
Date: July 2023

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700 Walnut Street, Suite 301 Cincinnati, Ohio 45202
Telephone: 513-241-2658   Fax: 513-241-2731