Clovernook Center for the Blind and Visually Impaired
7000 Hamilton Avenue
Cincinnati, OH 45231
Pediatric Low Vision Programs
When no grant application was received by June 2023, the Foundation made a "renewal grant" for the program for which funding had been provided in the previous year. For more information about the program, see the Grants Section of the 2021-22 Dater Foundation Annual Report on this web site and/or go to the grantee organization's web site.
Program Results:
No formal Grant Evaluation Report was submitted with results for the program. This “Success Narrative” was submitted in January 2024.
Studies show that 80% of everything a child learns comes in through their eyes. When that sense is interrupted, their ability to reach important milestones is significantly threatened. Through early intervention, we help children as young as age three, establish a solid foundation for future success. Because of the generosity of the Charles H. Dater Foundation, Clovernook Center is able to provide the following free pediatric low vision services and programs to children between the ages of 3-21 years old:Pediatric Low Vision Clinic: Even in infancy visual impairments can significantly impact a child’s ability to learn about basic things like depth perception, or the subtleties of facial expressions. By grade school, the achievement gap can be substantial. Early intervention is key. Through Clovernook Center’s Pediatric Low Vision Clinic, we work with children between the ages of 3-21 years old to enhance their remaining vision, prevent or minimize secondary delays, and narrow the achievement gap. We work closely with caregivers and educators, to ensure each child has the tools they need to be successful.Adaptive Sports and Leisure Program: At the age when many children begin team sports, BVI children tend to become isolated and sedentary, resulting in lower-than-average levels of fitness and muscular endurance, high rates of obesity, low self-esteem (Action for Healthy Kids, 2019). Through Adaptative Sports, we provide bi-monthly activities tailored to the unique needs of BVI children, empowering them to gain confidence, practice independent, and become self-sufficient.Resource Center & Lending Library: Identifying the correct low vision tools can be challenging and take time. It can also be prohibitively expensive. Many tools are highly specialized and non-refundable. Through our Resource Center & Lending Library, children can access to these highly specialized tools without the financial hardship or risk. They can also find resources and build community with other families and professionals in the industry.Through the generosity and support of the Charles H. Dater Foundation, we are not only able to provide these services to children and their families, we are able to provide hope for a brighter future.
Website: Amount: $25,000
Date: July 2023