Gateway Community and Technical College

500 Technology Way
Florence, KY 41042

Child Care Program

When no grant application was received by June 2023, the Foundation made a "renewal grant" for the program for which funding had been provided in the previous year.  For more information about the program, see the Grants Section of the 2021-22 Dater Foundation Annual Report on this web site and/or go to the grantee organization's web site.  

Program Results:

No formal Grant Evaluation Report was submitted with results for the program.  This “Success Narrative” was submitted in February 2024.

Gateway Community and Technical College provides childcare assistance to enrolled, eligible students. New students enrolling at Gateway are asked to identify non-academic barriers to program completion, and the need for childcare is consistently cited as one of the top three challenges. On average, one in five students at Gateway has at least one minor, dependent child, and 54 percent live at the federal poverty line.

The Childcare Program offers assistance to students through the use of voucher programs with partner childcare providers such as Learning Grove and Kinder Care. The specific goal of the Program is to serve 15 students per year, allowing them to access childcare services while they attend classes. The core goal is to address the need for reliable, quality childcare so that students remain in their programs of study, succeed academically, and—through higher education—better their life circumstances.

In the six months since Gateway was awarded the grant, 8 students have received help paying for childcare each month. It is making a tremendous difference in the lives of these student-parents, keeping them in school and focused on their studies.
Amount: $20,000
Date: July 2023

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700 Walnut Street, Suite 301 Cincinnati, Ohio 45202
Telephone: 513-241-2658   Fax: 513-241-2731