284 North Fair Avenue
Hamilton, OH 45011

Be A Child's Voice

When no grant application was received by June 2023, the Foundation made a "renewal grant" for the program for which funding had been provided in the previous year.  For more information about the program, see the Grants Section of the 2021-22 Dater Foundation Annual Report on this web site and/or go to the grantee organization's web site.  

Program Results:

No formal Grant Evaluation Report was submitted with results for the program.  This “Success Narrative” was submitted in December 2023.

PARACHUTE is the only agency in Butler County that trains individuals to become CASA volunteers to advocate for children who have experienced abuse or neglect. Since its inception, PARACHUTE has trained 623 CASA volunteers who have helped 2,944 local children and attended 8,507 court hearings. PARACHUTE is part of the National Court Appointed Special Advocate Association (NCASA), which trains community volunteers to work as advocates for abused, neglected or dependent children in the Juvenile Court system. In Butler County, children in the Juvenile Court system are assigned a Guardian Ad Litem (GAL) attorney in addition to a CASA, and a case worker from Children’s Services. A CASA volunteer is a consistent presence in a child's life while working collaboratively with others involved in the case. CASA workers keep in contact with the support network until the case closes; so that everyone continues to put the child's best interests first. The ultimate goal is to walk alongside the child until the child has been transitioned from court oversight into a loving, safe and permanent home.

A CASA volunteer works to ensure a child's best interest is being met by:
• Identifying and addressing risks to the child's safety and well-being.
• Identifying supportive people in the child's life that they can work with to promote safety and well-being for the child during their time in care
• Ensuring appropriate physical and mental health assessments are completed and that the child's needs are understood by the family, and everyone involved in the case through a trauma-informed approach; and
• Verifying educational assessments are completed and educational supports are in place.

PARACHUTE: Butler County CASA is a volunteer, community-driven agency with men and women who serve as Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA). Most CASAs donate approximately 8 - 10 hours a month serving their children: visiting the child at home or in foster care, interviewing other individuals in the child’s case, and attending hearings to speak on behalf of the child’s best interests. Each CASA works with only 1-2 families to ensure the child(ren) they are assigned to are a priority. CASA volunteers ensure each child’s best needs are considered, and they are more than just another “case”.

Since the beginning of Fiscal Year 2023-2024, PARACHUTE: Butler County CASA has:
- Conducted CASA 101 information sessions on 9/14/2023, 10/17/2023 and on 11/07/2023 to allow potential volunteers to learn more about the organization and the children served, in order to recruit individuals to sign up for CASA Training.
- Spring/Summer Training 2023 completed. 6 new volunteers trained, supervised, and sworn in as Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASAs) by Judge Niehaus on August 17, 2023.
- Fall 2023 Training class began on 8/20/23 with 11 new trainees. 9 new volunteers completed training and were sworn in as Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASAs) by Judge Niehaus on 10/11/2023.
- Volunteer Coordinators provided ongoing supervision to all CASA volunteers during this time period. (64 Active CASA Volunteers)

Many similar programs dealing with abused and neglected children are government operated. From the beginning, PARACHUTE has been committed to remaining a private, non-profit entity. Continued support from the Charles H. Dater Foundation, along with our other funders, has enabled PARACHUTE this fiscal year to:
1.) Train and supervise 15 new volunteers.
2.) Provide ongoing supervision to all CASA volunteers.
3.) Conduct in-service trainings for PARACHUTE's active volunteers.
4.) Utilize Volunteer Coordinators to guide active volunteers.
5.) Give administrative assistance to all CASA volunteers.
6.) Support quality advocacy by PARACHUTE for children who have experienced abuse or neglect. To date, 2,944 children have benefited from advocacy through PARACHUTE: Butler County CASA.

PARACHUTE: Butler County CASA is part of the National Court Appointed Special Advocate Association (NCASA) and the Ohio CASA Association (OCASA) and as such has access to best practice models and resources to support the highest standards for provision of service. Administrators, Staff and Volunteers are required to participate in ongoing education and training opportunities. The quality of the service provided by the organization is evidenced by positive outcomes, both measurable and intangible that are experienced by the children and families served. A new study released in August 2023 by Ohio CASA found that young people who were appointed a CASA volunteer:

• Spent less time in an Out Of Home Placement;
• Were less likely to re-enter Out Of Home Placement following discharge;
• Were more likely to enter a permanent placement; and
• Were more likely to be reunified with family.

For 35 years the organization has been successful in fulfilling the mission, vision and purpose set forth by the Founders. PARACHUTE: Butler County CASA has earned the respect and support of local law enforcement, Butler County Juvenile Justice system and collaborating agencies such as the local school districts, Butler County Educational Service Center and the YWCA.

PARACHUTE's mission is to speak for the best interests of abused and neglected children in court. We promote and support quality volunteer representation for children to provide each child a safe, permanent, nurturing home. Thank you for helping PARACHUTE: Butler County CASA to accomplish its mission, making impact one child at a time.
Amount: $35,000
Date: July 2023

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700 Walnut Street, Suite 301 Cincinnati, Ohio 45202
Telephone: 513-241-2658   Fax: 513-241-2731